Course Description
GarageBand for iPad has been in music classrooms for almost a decade.
Its intuitive user interface was revolutionary and it has provided thousands of students with wonderful musical experiences.
However, there’s even more power lurking beneath the surface of this app.
We provide all of the resources you need to structure a Gig Based Approach to mastering GarageBand for iPad.
Participants will go deeper into GarageBand by accepting a ‘gig’ to create a fully realised piece of music through a series of scaffolded composition experiences.
We’ll cover all of the hidden gems that are often overlooked and equip you to help your students to master GarageBand for iPad as they create great sounding musical compositions.
Course participants will also have ongoing access to a suite of GarageBand for iPad digital instructional materials that can be provided to students upon returning to your classrooms.

Stage 3 and 4 Music Teachers
Teaching Standards
2.6.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful
3.4.2 Proficient Level - Plan for and implement Effective Teaching and Learning - Select and use resources: Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning