This course is FREE with an Online Subscription

Course Description

The course is designed to help the participants grasp foundational grammar through activities that provide a model on how to teach grammar. The course is self-paced, to allow the participants time to repeat activities and review knowledge.

The course has five modules which take approximately one hour each and cover:

  1. Parts of Speech and beyond
  2. Tenses in English
  3. Future Forms
  4. Modals and Functions
  5. Conditionals


NESA accredited

The course is helpful for teachers who are working with speakers of other languages, as the knowledge of grammar will help them correct errors and teach their learners the understanding of why they have made mistakes and how to avoid these in the future. The course also provides real-life contexts and activities based on ‘Test-Teach-Test' methodology, which helps participants review and improve knowledge and production.


Secondary English and EAL teachers

Teaching Standards

2.5.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Literacy and numeracy strategies:  Apply knowledge and understanding of effective teaching strategies to support students’ literacy and numeracy achievement

$  285 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Introduction

    • Introduction to Online Grammar

    • Course Outline

  • 2

    Module 2 - Parts of Speech in English

    • Introduction to Grammar

    • Types of Nouns

    • Types of Verbs

    • Types of Adjectives

    • Types of Adverbs

    • Parts of Speech in English - Activity 6 - Parts A and B

    • Quiz - Parts of Speech in English

  • 3

    Module 3 - Tenses in English

    • Introduction to Tenses in English

    • Part A : Aspect

    • Part B : Time

    • Tenses in English - Final Activity

    • Quiz - Tenses in English

    • Reflection Question

  • 4

    Module 4 - Future Forms

    • Introduction to Future Forms

    • Present Continuous

    • Future Simple

    • Future Going to

    • Future Perfect & Future Perfect Continuous

    • Future Forms

    • Final Activity

    • Quiz - Future Forms

    • Suggestions for a Collaborative Task

  • 5

    Module 5 - Modals and Functions

    • Introduction to Modals and Functions

    • Functions

    • Focusing on Functions

    • Teaching Modals

    • Semi - Modals

    • Quiz - Modals and Functions

    • Reflection Questions

  • 6

    Module 6 - Conditionals

    • Introduction to Conditionals

    • Zero Conditional

    • First Conditional

    • Second Conditional

    • Third Conditional

    • Mixed Conditionals

    • Quiz - Conditional Mastermind

  • 7

    Module 7 - Conclusion

    • Conclusion

Do you teach in NSW? If so, this is relevant to you:

This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.



Barbara Munro

Barbara Munro

My career has been in teaching children and adults and developing courses, materials and training teachers. Since founding MTA in 2010 I have mainly been a tutor, training English language teachers. Since 2019 I have taken on the role as director of MTA which is now an online company Melbourne Training International. In the last two years I have gained confidence and expertise in managing a small business through a challenging time. My strengths lie in team building and networking as well as strategic planning while maintaining a personal interest in every individual we work with. My qualifications are Dip Ed, CELTA, Dip in TEFLA, CELTA Tutor & Assessor, Masters of Education. Keeping a life balance is also a great challenge - spending time with special people, enjoying the outdoors and having enough quiet in my mind to listen.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.