Course Description
Be the teacher who makes a difference and lead Aboriginal education for all students.
Gamilaroi woman and president of the Aboriginal Studies Association, Kylie Captain, brings two decades' of Aboriginal education expertise to present this course with Dr Cathie Burgess, Associate Professor of Aboriginal Studies at the University of Sydney.

In this PD, you will:
Build your knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal peoples’ histories, cultures and communities and implications for teaching/learning.
Develop confidence and an understanding of cultural protocols for collaborating with Aboriginal communities.
Recognise Aboriginal student learner needs and the implications for teaching and learning.
Discover fresh ways to align the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cross Curriculum Priority with teaching and learning.
Understand and apply the Learning from Country Framework to include Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing in your curriculum, pedagogical practice and classroom.
Explore diverse resources for implementing the Aboriginal Curriculum.
Develop a plan of action to implement strategies in your context.
This course is video-based, with accompanying workbook and a wealth of resources.
Teaching staff and school leaders K-12
Teaching Standards
1.4.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: Design and implement effective teaching strategies that are responsive to the local community and cultural setting, linguistic background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
2.4.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians: Provide opportunities for students to develop understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages