This course is FREE with an Online Subscription

Course Description

During your work, there will be situations that call on you to apply specific skills to work effectively to attain high level performance, build relationships with others, and attain job satisfaction.

This course will equip you with strategies and understanding to deal with the key issues of time management, conflict, negotiation, forgiveness and stress.


Teachers, principals and heads of department

Teaching Standards

6.2.2 Proficient Level - Engage in Professional Learning - Engage in professional learning and improve practice: Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities

 6.3.2 Proficient Level - Engage in Professional Learning - Engage with colleagues and improve practice: Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice

$329 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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"Great course - very relevant to my work place. Well resourced and informative."

- Natasha Hudson, Hunter Sports High School

"This course was concise and well-delivered. It provided excellent information and strategies to help staff deal with difficult and/or confronting challenges faced in the workplace - I enjoyed it!"

- Simon Germaine, Sydney Grammar School

"A great insight into yourself as a person and a leader. This course has really set me up to support and mentor my own staff and I would recommend it to any new head teacher. "

- Tracey MacDonald, Picnic Point High School

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • About Course Author

    • Our Approach to Learning

    • The Path to Future Success™

    • About the Course

    • Activity—Goals and Program Survey

  • 2

    About Workplace Challenges

    • Examples of Workplace Challenges

    • Activity—Workplace Challenges

    • What Workplace Challenges Can You Control?

    • Your Circle of Control and Your Circle of Influence

    • The Circle of What I Can Control, and Circle Outside My Control

    • Circle of Influence

    • Circle of Commitment

    • Circle of No Control or Influence

    • Activity—View a Video: Circle of Influence Versus the Circle of Concern

    • Activity—What Workplace Challenges are Within and Outside Your Control?

    • How to Develop Your Circle of Influence

  • 3


    • Growth and Fixed Mindset

    • What is a Growth Mindset?

    • What is a Fixed Mindset?

    • Scientific Evidence

    • Download—Question—Which Statements and Mindset Do You Relate To?

    • Activity—Self-assessment—Fixed or Growth Mindset?

    • Activity—Reflect on a Challenge

    • Activity—View a Video: Growth Versus Fixed Mindset

    • Activity—View a Video: Four Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset

    • Twelve Techniques to Develop a Growth Mindset

    • Activity—Measure Your Gain

    • Activity—View a Video: The Gap and the Gain

    • Activity—Write a Personal Journal for a Growth Mindset

    • How to Develop a Growth Mindset Through Activities

    • Benefits of Developing a Growth Mindset

    • Growth Mindset Affirmations

    • Activity—View a Video: Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset 

    • Activity—View a Video: Growth Mindset Introduction

  • 4

    Time Management

    • Time Management for Effective Results

    • What is Time Management?

    • Time Management Begins with Planning

    • Download—Review Your Time Management

    • Download—Assess Your Time Management Behavior

    • Activity—Reflect on Your Time Management Behavior

    • Time Management Problems 

    • Personal Time Management

    • Activity—Analyze Your Diary—Optional

    • Time Management Based on Personal Values

    • Activity—Understanding Your Time Management Values

    • Download—Your Energy Level

  • 5

    Time Management Issues

    • 1. Distractions, Interruptions, and Time Wasters

    • Activity—Rate Your Time Management Issues

    • Strategies for Effective Time Management

    • Download—Develop Strategies for Your Time Management Issues

  • 6

    Dealing with Specific Time Management Problems

    • 1. Overcoming Procrastination

    • Activity—Quiz—Are You a Procrastinator?

    • Activity—View a Video: Inside The Mind of a Master Procrastinator

    • Activity—View a Video—9 Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

    • 2. Handling Interruptions

    • 3. Difficulty Saying ‘No’ 

    • 4. Avoiding Crises

    • Video—Tips for Avoiding Crises

    • ​5. Difficulty Prioritizing Tasks

    • Time Management Matrix

    • Download—Complete the Time Management Matrix

  • 7


    • Delegate Tasks to Manage Your Time

    • Activity—View a Video—Five Principles of Effective Delegation

    • Activity—View a Video—How Should You Delegate Tasks and Responsibilities?

    • Download—Delegation Action Plan

  • 8

    Goal Planning

    • Goal Planning for Success

    • Setting Goals 

    • Your Goal and the SMART Formula

    • Activity—View a Video: SMARTER Goals

    • Activity—Describe Your Goal Applying the SMART Formula

    • Goal Pyramid

    • Download—Identify Your Goal Priorities

    • GROW Model

    • Download—Steps in the GROW Model

    • Common Goal-Setting Mistakes

    • Benefits of Time Management

    • Download—Complete the Action Plan to Manage Your Time

  • 9


    • Dealing with Conflict Constructively and Negotiation Skills

    • Definition of Conflict  

    • Components of Conflict Model  

    • Activity—Use the Components of Conflict Model

    • Activity—View a Video—Discriminate Between Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict  

    • Activity—View a Video—Types of Workplace Conflict  

    • Activity—View a Video—Levels of Conflict

    • Activity—View a Video—Stages of Conflict

    • Activity—Personal Reflection: Analyze a Past Conflict

    • Activity—View a Video—Conflict Handling Behavior Styles

    • The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model

    • Download—Identify Your Conflict Handling Style

    • Activity—Scoring The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

    • Interpreting Your Scores

    • Benefits and Costs of Each Conflict-Handling Style

    • How We View Conflict—Cognitive Restructuring

    • Activity—View a Video: ABC Model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    • Download—Reframing Your Thoughts

    • Using Affirmations to Manage and Deal with Conflict

  • 10


    • Four Elements of Principled Negotiation

    • Elements of Negotiation

    • Activity—How Does Negotiation Fit into Your Life?

    • Negotiation Styles: Competitive and Collaborative

    • "The Third Side" in Negotiation or Going to the Balcony

    • Activity—Taking the Third Side

    • Tips for Gaining Perspective on a Conflict Situation

    • Introduction to the Three Stages of Negotiation

    • Stage One—Preparing for the Negotiation

    • 1. Mapping the Conflict

    • Steps in Mapping the Conflict

    • Activity—Planning Your Negotiation and Mapping a Specific Conflict

    • Download—Complete a Conflict Map

    • 2. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

    • Activity—View a Video: Personal SWOT Analysis

    • Activity—Explore Your Personal SWOT Analysis

    • 3. Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

    • 4. Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA)

    • 5. Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)

    • Activity—Analyze the Situation

    • Activity—The Approach of the Other Party

    • Consider Power Positions Prior to Negotiation

    • Logistical Considerations for Negotiation

    • STAGE 2—Interacting in the Negotiation

    • Activity—View a Video: Cultivating Collaboration During Negotiation

    • Activity—View a Video: How to Negotiate

    • Negotiation Attitudes that Support a Win-Win Approach

    • Consider Power Positions Prior to Negotiation

    • STAGE 3—Closing the Agreement

    • Download—Reflect on Your Negotiation Skills: Personal Case Study

    • Activity—Your Review and Development in Negotiating Difficult Situations

    • Activity—Practice Your Negotiating Skills and Receive Feedback from an Observer

    • Download—Practice Your Negotiating Skills and Receive Feedback from an Observer

    • Activity—Video a Video: 11 Tips for Negotiating a Successful Win/Win Outcome

    • What is Forgiveness?

    • Activity—Personal Reflection and Forgiveness

    • Activity—Quiz: How Forgiving are You?

    • Three Parts to Forgiveness

    • Three Types of Forgiveness

    • Activity—View a Video: Forgiveness

    • Elements of Forgiveness

    • What are the Effects of Holding a Grudge?

    • 8 Keys to Forgiveness

    • Activity—Practicing the Eight Steps of Forgiveness

    • 8 Elements of ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Apologies

    • Activity—View a Video: Demonstrate Forgiveness

    • How Do I Reach a State of Forgiveness?

    • Benefits of Forgiveness

  • 11


    • Introduction to Stress

    • Functional and Dysfunctional Stress, and Optimum Stress Levels

    • What is Burnout?

    • Download—Identify the Stress in Your Life

    • The Signs of Stress

    • Symptoms of Burnout

    • Introduction to the Five Stages of Burnout

    • Stage 1—The Honeymoon Phase

    • Stage 2—Onset of Stress

    • Stage 3—Chronic Stress

    • Stage 4—Burnout

    • Stage 5—Habitual Burnout

    • Download—Assess Your Stress Symptoms

    • Life Event Stressors

    • Download—The Holmes-Rah Life Stress Inventory

    • Cause of Workplace Stress

    • Cause of Personal Stress

    • Download—Identify Your Stressor and Coping Strategy

    • Activity—Video—Tap into Your Senses

    • Activity—Tap into Your Senses

  • 12

    Strategies to Deal with Workplace Challenges

    • Strategies

    • Strategies to Prevent Burnout

    • Activity—Video—29 Strategies to Deal with Stress

    • Too Many Tasks and Not Enough Time

    • Limited Resources

    • Student Discipline Issues

    • Conflict with Colleagues

    • Stress and Work-Life Balance

    • Job Insecurity

    • Little Recognition

    • Lack of Career Development and Growth

    • Activity—Develop a Vision Board

    • Activity—Video: Creative Visualization and Meditation to Manage Stress

    • Activity—View a Video: Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

  • 13


    • Conclusion

    • Download—Write your Action Plan

  • 14

    Course Feedback

    • Please take few minutes to give us your feedback

Do you teach in NSW? If so, this is relevant to you:

This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.



Leah  Shmerling

Leah Shmerling

Leah is a specialist in career coaching, corporate training, academic teaching, vocational training, and retirement planning, with numerous books, articles and accredited courses to her name. As a freelance journalist, she has written for 'The Age' and she is a former columnist for 'The Herald Sun'.

Leah holds a Master in Professional Education and Training, Graduate Diploma in Career Development, several Diploma qualifications in Vocational Educational Training, and Certificates in Life Coaching, Mediation Skills, and Psychodrama. She has international accreditation and is Board Certified as a Career Management Fellow with the Institute of Career Certification, a Certified Retirement Coach with Retirement Options, and a professional member of the Career Development Association Australia (CDAA).

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.